Personal Best
This week we focused on the quality of 'Personal Best. We decided at the beginning of the week how we would do our personal best and we got stars when we showed it.
Resilience is when you bounce back even when things are difficult. This week we decided how we were going to be resilient in our classroom. We made a list of how we could do this and when we were reflecting at the end of the day we thought about whether we had shown resilience.
Here are our ideas:-
Integrity is doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason.
Every day we talk about if we showed integrity during our lunchtime. We showed integrity by telling the truth about what happened. We know if we show integrity we are fair, honest and kind.
In week 2 we have worked on our passions. We talked about what our passions are and how we can work on the things we love. At Addington school passion is:-
To respond with awe and enthusiasm, showing excitement for lifelong learning. Strive for personal excellence and be proud of achievements. Dream big.
We have shown our Addington Attitude during our first week back. The quality of caring was the focus and we had to show this in our classroom and in the playground. This is our Y-chart.
During week 10 we focused on the quality of 'Responsibility'. We used our white hat thinking to talk about the facts and say how we show responsibility in our classroom.
During week 9 we focused on the quality of 'Respect'. We talked about what it looks like, feels like and sounds like. We put our ideas on a y-chart. Here it is:-