Wednesday 17 October 2012

J Tunes Sing

At Assembly the J-Tunes performed. They are our junior choir.  Lots of children in our class are part of the J-Tunes. They had lots of fun performing. We enjoyed listening to their songs.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Bailey and Abyan's Farewell

Last term we farewelled Bailey and Abyan.
Bailey is going to Napier and Abyan is off to Saudi.
We had a special farewell party. We had a disco where we danced to the music. Then we had jelly, chips and fizzy.

We will miss Bailey and Abyan.

Monday 15 October 2012

Harvesting Carrots

We went out into our garden on Wednesday with Lyric's Mum Tania to harvest the carrots we have been growing.
Tania used the big shovel to loosen the soil around the carrots and we got to pull them up out of the ground. Some of them were huge! Then we washed them to get all the dirt off.
Mrs Craib then challenged us to eat them - this wasn't much of a challenge for some of us because we love raw carrots -YUM!!!

Friday 14 September 2012

Doubles and Halves

We have been finding the doubles of numbers and how we can make half of a number.

We used unifix blocks to make a number in one colour and then double it by using a different colour.

When then halved the number by breaking the blocks apart to have an equal amount in each hand.

Friday 7 September 2012


In Room 4 we have lots of celebrations.
We celebrate when
- we get 10 stars and go into the treasure box.
- we get all our gold bars in Mathletics.
- we know all our alphabet names and sounds.
  - we know all our basic sight words.

When we celebrate we have lamingtons with cream - YUM!!!

Friday 31 August 2012

Library time

Every Friday we go to our school library. Mrs Holland is in the library to help return and issue the books. We are learning about fiction and non-fiction books. We get to read books in the library and choose 2 books we want to take home to share.

Samoan Patterns

We have been learning how to draw Samoan patterns. We practise on the paper, following the directions in the book.
We use brown, black, yellow and orange crayons to colour our designs in.

We can't wait until we have learned enough patterns to make a whole panel.